Dec 31, 2018
Snow-covered roadway

When the temperatures drop and the weather takes a turn for the worse, being an active and prepared driver will make all the difference on the road. Here are three helpful tips for driving in winter weather.

3 Tips for Safer Winter Driving

Allow yourself plenty of time

If you’re heading to work or have errands to run on the weekend and the weather takes a turn for the worse, it can make a hectic day even tougher. But with some extra preparation, you can confidently and safely make it to your destination.

Whether it’s snowing, a coating of black ice covers the roads, or you have a slushy mixture on your path, giving yourself extra time to drive slowly through the conditions will provide you with peace of mind. It will also allow you to maintain a safe distance from the vehicle ahead of you. In the event that they slow down suddenly, you’ll have plenty of time to decelerate safely or make a necessary move to avoid a collision if your vehicle starts to skid.

Mind the pedals

No matter your car’s drivetrain, knowing how to harness and control its power is crucial to arriving safely at your destination.

When you’re stopped at a traffic light, and it turns green, gently apply the accelerator. By doing this, you’ll be able to ensure your tires grip the road surface properly to move you forward without spinning out. On highways, city streets, and back roads, it’s sometimes safer to simply come off the gas and slow down rather than hitting the brakes. If you apply the brakes too aggressively, it could cause the tires to skid over the packed snow, ice, or slush.

Check your tires and battery

Stepping outside on a frigid morning to warm up your vehicle only to find a dead battery is not an ideal start to the day. During the fall, it’s a good idea to have your battery inspected by a certified technician. That will ensure that you’ll have the capacity and charge to start your car.

Your tires are the only points of contact your vehicle makes with the road. If they’re not properly maintained, it’s a safety issue. With the right amount of tread and proper inflation, your tires will deliver the traction to stay on the road and the stopping power to bring your vehicle to a halt when you need to.

Prepare Your Car for Winter at Martin Chevy

Contact us at Martin Chevy in Crystal Lake, Illinois, to schedule a service center appointment. We’ll get your car, truck, or SUV ready for winter weather driving.